On - Going Projects

Pancake Breakfasts - We schedule 3-5 breakfasts a year where we set up our cooking trailer and sell pancake breakfasts to raise money. Money from these breakfasts have been donated to specific causes as well as saved for general donation funds. We have sold pancakes at the Snake River Stampede Parade for several years.

The Dictionary Program - We have joined forces with other Rotary clubs in our District with the goal of providing every third grader in the Treasure Valley a dictionary with the hope of assisting them at becoming good writers, active readers, creative thinkers, and resourceful learners.

Highway Clean-Up - Canyon County Sunrise Rotary club has been designated a stretch of Highway 55 near Marsing, ID to maintain. We have two scheduled clean-up days per year.

"Pass the Pig" Project - We started this project as another way to generate funds to use towards a number of good work projects. Our club has it's own piggy bank that gets passed around at meetings to collect any spare change members may have. After all every penny counts and you'd be surprised at how fast they add up!

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards - We sponsor local students who attend RYLA. This is a leadership training program for young people that emphasizes the importances of leadership, citizenship, and personal growth. The aim of this program is to:

  • Demonstrate Rotary's respect and concern for youth.
  • Provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders.
  • Encourage leadership of youth by youth.
  • Recognize publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities.
Group Study Exchange - this program is a unique cultural and vocational exchange opportunity for business people between the ages of 25 and 40. The program provides travel grants for teams to exchange visits in paired areas of different countries. For four to six weeks, team members experience the host country's culture and institutions, observe how their vocations are practiced abroad, develop personal and professional relationships, and exchange ideas. Our club has hosted many young GSE professionals from all over the world, including Australia, Sweden, India, etc.

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