Friday, February 24, 2012

Save the Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout!

The Canyon County Sunrise Rotary Club is excited to host John Ellsworth, Vice President of the Idaho Council of Trout Unlimited. Ellsworth will speak about the importance of saving the Yellow Stone Cutthroat Trout, whose numbers are quickly dwindling. Learn why these fish are important to the ecosystem within our nation's oldest national park and how we can help conserve this amazing native species.

WHEN: Thursday, March 22, 2012, 7:00 am
WHERE: Karcher Estates Retirement & Rehabilitation Center
ACCESS: Free and open to the public
CONTACT PERSON: Norm Brown, 208-465-6333

Monday, February 20, 2012

"Pigging Out" is for the Birds!

Dan, Bonnie, Nancy & Scott
demonstrating how we "pass the pig".

Through our "Pass the Pig Project" we've been collecting spare change to be used towards good work projects. For the last quarter we've been collecting funds for the Deer Flat Wild Life Refuge in Nampa, ID.
Ed happily handing
over our "Pig" Check.

 We were very happy to hand over a check for $64.00 to the Friends of the Deer Wild Life Refuge, a service group which helps to contribute to conservation education, refuge clean up and litter removal and general maintenance that supplements Deer Flat Refuge staff.

 Not wanting to leave out any of our fine-feathered-friends, we also brought in two 25 lbs bags of birds seed and a Tilapia for the osprey! In turn the Friends of the Refuge club hosted a pizza and cake lunch.

Smiles from all at the pizza party at the Deer Flat Wild Refuge.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Get Well Soon Dan

Dan Evans is always putting "service above self".
We are happy to report that our follow Rotarian, Dan Evans, is recovering nicely after having heart surgery. 

Dan, all your Rotary friends wish you a speedy recovery because our meetings just aren't the same with out you!